
Showing posts from February, 2018

Cloncha parish registers Co Donegal baptisms 1669-1783

According to the PRO Ireland the date of the earliest Parish register for the parish of Cloncha in Donegal, as given in the Report of the Deputy-Keeper of the Public records is 1824. The following register(s) for Cloncha Church of Ireland were destroyed in the fire of 1922 namely baptisms 1825-1876, marriages 1823-1844 and burials 1829-1877. There was, however, an earlier register and transcripts were made of baptisms 1669-1783 by Dr Robert S Young that were published in Volume 5 of the Journal for the Association of the memorials of the Dead, Ireland (1903). These appear to have been selected entries transcribed by Dr Young but are valuable nonetheless: Dr Young's extracts from the parish registers of Cloncha A transcript of these valuable registers is available on Lindel Buckley's excellent website on Donegal Genealogy linked below:

The RCB and Church of Ireland registers - what has survived?

The REPRESENTATIVE CHURCH BODY LIBRARY exists to provide a repository in which the archives and manuscripts  of the Church of Ireland can be stored, arranged and made available to researchers in a systematic fashion. The RCB has produced a searchable PDF file containing information on the registers for every parish in Ireland including those destroyed in the fire in the PRO in 1922. The PDF file is a most useful tool in searching out the history of the registers for Church of Ireland parishes.  The List of Church of Ireland Parish Registers was originally compiled in-house for the Public Record Office of Ireland (PROI), now the National Archives of Ireland (NAI), by Miss Margaret Griffith (1911-2001) Deputy Keeper of the PROI during the 1950s. Griffith’s original list (which was titled the Table of Parochial Records and Copies) was based on inventories returned by the parochial officers about the year 1875/6, ...