The Spanish Flu in Limavady
The Spanish Flu in Limavady - a case study Analysis of deaths registered in the Limavady District that record influenza as a primary or secondary cause of death 1918-1919. In total from the period 26 June through to 14 October 1919 there were 42 deaths with influenza recorded as a primary or secondary cause of death in the Limavady District (I did not include the data for pneumonia only deaths although most likely there was a correlation). Only occasionally did deaths occur in small clusters but more typically deaths would be spaced out over weeks. Of the 42 deaths that record influenza on the death certificate 17 were female and 25 male. Only five were less than four years old. The age range was from 10 weeks through to 81 years old. Ages of deceased: 6 less that 10 years old 6 between 11 and 20 9 between 21 and 30 4 between 31 and 40 5 between 41 and 50 2 between 51 and 60 3 between 61 and 70 6 between 71 and 80 1 between 81 and 90 The majority were unmarried ...