
Showing posts from April, 2020

The 14th son - Robert Payne

The minister for Tamlaghtard (Magilligan) Church of Ireland made an interesting comment in an entry in the baptismal register for 1833 that caught my attention - Christened Sept 1833 Robert the 14th son of John Paine of Oughtymoyle (Magilligan). Four years later the following baptism was recorded Christened March 1837 Ann daughter of John Paine of Oughtymoyle - the first female child - this being a second wife he having had 14 sons by his first wife The above Robert Payne was an adult convert to the Catholic faith and was baptised in St Aidan's Magilligan in1866 - from this entry we get the name of his mother - Catherine McPoyle - St Aidan's RC baptism July 1866 Robert Payne (34 years old) Oughtymoyle son of John Payne & Cath. McPoyle - sponsors John McLaughlin B:Carton & Mrs John Donnell, Oughymoyle Baptismal entry 1866 St. Aidan's Magilligan Robert Payne married Ellen McCann December 25th 1866 in St Aidan's Magilligan - she was also from Ough...

Lurting to Lurton to Norton

Variation in surname spelling is a common difficulty in Irish genealogical research but sometimes surnames can undergo a complete transformation over time and even become unrecognizable as the same family. Such was the case with a family of the name Lurting in the parish of Magilligan (Tamlaghtard) in Co Derry. A Henry Lurting was a merchant in Londonderry and Liverpool in 1660 and it was his son John Lurting who settled in Magilligan in the early eighteenth century having married into the Cust family of that parish. Both the Lurtings and Custs were of English origin the former can be traced to the city of Liverpool where they were prominent in local business and politics. Both the Lurtings and Custs were Episcopalian and their progeny can be traced clearly in the registers of Tamlaghard Church of Ireland which exist for a few years in the middle of the 18th century. Tamlaghtard (Magilligan) Church of Ireland registers (PRONI MIC/1/86) Baptisms 1747-1768 Marriages 1747-1753 Buri...