Wolf-hunters and the last wolf in Ulster
The last wolf in Ulster
Wolves were numerous in Ireland in the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries. So numerous indeed that they posed a threat to the
livelihood of farmers.
A letter from Gabriel Whistler, agent of
the Salters’ company 11 April 1699 speaking of the devastation brought about by
the 1641 rebellion in the region stated 'your lands and most of the others continued
in this condition without inhabitants (but wolves and wild beasts) until the
year 1656’ (D4108/1/12A)
At various times generous bounties were
given for the destruction of wolves, particularly during the Cromwellian
period. In 1652 the Commissioners of the Revenue of Cromwell's Irish Government
set substantial bounties on wolves, £6 for a female, £5 for a male, £2 for a
sub-adult and 10 shillings for a cub.
In 1677 a proclamation by Gabriel Whistler at
the manor court on the Salters’ estate, ‘ordered that the summe of one shilling bee
raysed and payed by the tenants of every towne land within the said Manor to
any person that shall kill a Wolfe within the said Manor, And also that the
summe of one penny shal bee likewise raised & payd by the tenants of every
towne land within the said Manor to every person that shall kill a fox within
the said Manor, and that in default of payment the said summe shalbe levyed by
distrisse by the bayliffe of the said Manor, & paid unto the said persons
that shall so kill the said wolves and foxes accordingly’. (D4108/1/10B)
last wolf in Ireland
Eventually, wolves were hunted into
extinction. Various dates are contested about the last known wolf-killing. Although
we can’t be certain, it seems that the last wolf in Ireland was killed by a
farmer, John Watson from Ballydarton, Co Carlow. The Watson family of
Ballydarton and their ancestors were known to have hunted deer and wolves and
were responsible with their hounds for the death of the last wolf in Co. Carlow
near Myshall, Mount Leinster (Carloviana; Journal of the Old Carlow Society,
Dec 1968: ‘The Carlow Hunt’ by H. Fennell page 13). This took place in the year
1786, almost five hundred years after the last English wolf and over one
hundred years since the last wolf was killed in Scotland.
Last wolf in Ulster --
A schoolmaster J. Compton brought out a
small volume called ‘A Compendous System of Chronology’. Against the year 1692
is written: ‘the last wolf seen in Ireland is killed by Irish wolf-dogs on the hill
of Aughnabrack, near Belfast by Clotworthy Upton of Castle-Upton, Templepatrick’.
Aughnabrack is commonly called Wolf Hill by the people of Belfast.
The OS memoirs of the 1830's provide fascinating insight
into the wolf-hunters of Ulster but provide few clear dates –
The memoirs for Desertoghill (Co Derry) reveal one
fascinating detail about the parish – that it was plagued by wolves, and that
it is in part due to this fact that the parish derived its name. In ancient
times the people resorting to the old church of Desertoghill were very much
disturbed by the wolves that infested the country and on sundry occasions of
the people assembling to midnight mass on Christmas days, the wolves made
sudden and unexpected attacks on different persons. It was necessary to have
watchmen with wolf-dogs to guard the country. Consequently, a watch-house was
erected by the congregation a little beyond the old church near St. Columb’s
well, in which two men with wolf-dogs were stationed to guard the congregation.
One of these wolf-hunters was a gigantic
man and of great courage, by name of Toughill. This Toughill, it is said was a
huge and impressive man. It is believed that through time this man became known
locally as Desert (a reference to his life and work in the parish) and that
eventually the place was partly dedicated to his name, ‘and called Desert
Toughill, and gave name to the parish.
The memoirs for Banagher parish (Co Derry) give
contrasting stories about the last wolf hunted in that parish. One story
relates to a wolf hunter named Rory Carragh who was from the Dungiven region:
The last of the mischievous animals called wolves that
were seen in this part of the north was known to dwell in the mountains and
glens of Aughlish. Latterly, there were only two of them to be seen, a he and a
she. About that time there lived in the town or neighbourhood of Dungiven a
wolf hunter called Rorey Carragh, and who was celebrated for his superior
judgement and success in killing wolves. His attendance for this purpose was
for a series of years solicited in many of the northern counties and one of his
last exploits was displayed in Aughlish. The two animals were making great
ravages among the herds of sheep in the neighbourhood. Few young lambs could be
saved from their fangs and even able-bodied men dreaded their approach. They
covered mostly in the woods of the aforesaid townland.
This Carragh was a good judge of the time of the year
the dam hade her young and which time was the surest to put his designs of
killing them into execution. For the moment the dam has her young she repairs
to salt water, if there being any convenient, leaving the he-one in charge of
her young till she returns, which duty they are known to discharge with care
and parental affection.
Carragh was employed by the inhabitants to set them
free from the destroyers of their flock. He, well knowing the time of the dam having
her young took the opportunity of repairing their cover well-armed and
accompanied by his wolf-dogs. The moment he discovered their den he observed
the he-wolf dutifully watching the 2 young ones and the dam absent in search of
her favourite drink. He lost no time in firing on the sentinel, shot him dead,
but had scarce time to reload his gun when he observed the dam springing
towards him in furious manner with her jaws open ready to devour him in an
instant but he was fortunate as to drive the contents of his piece in through
her mouth, pass through her body and killed her on the spot. This successful
event put an end to wolves in this part of the north. Informants – Joseph & Archibald McSparren (16 Feb 1835). It is though that this event of wolf
killing was dated to circa 1700.
By contrast the Banagher memoirs also
reveals details on the life of one Charles O’Heney of Carnanbane, a shoemaker, who
reputedly died in 1804 aged 106 (giving him a lifespan of circa. 1698-1804). ‘By his own account he had been in at the
death of the last wolf that ravaged this part of the country. The animal was
slain by a hunting party got up by the Learey family on the mountain between
Banagher and Ballynascreen’. If O’Heney had been a young man when this even
occurred then this would take us back to early seventeenth century.
Lewis’s Topographical Dictionary for 1837
for the parish of Tamlaghtard (Magilligan) parish also in Co Derry states that ‘the
last wolf known to exist in Ulster was started about 90 years since upon
Benevenagh and hunted into the woods near Dungiven where it was killed’.
This gives us an approximate date of circa 1747 for the extinction of the wolf
in Ulster.
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